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Two from the growing collection:
[Image: look.jpg]
[Image: watch.jpg]
lol... adam you joker! Big Grin
haha .. oi .. i took them !!
yes .. we missed the bus las nite so we decided to take some photos .. at like 11pm in the ct ..

(references to the second photo)
Hey adam, you sure the trains are not approaching from behind you? Wink
I'll continue looking out Wink
Contantly take photos of what is behind you so you can monitor in front and behind you =P
I can keep turning my head - constantly watching my backWink
Hey I think you're misinterpreting the sign...

It's asking someone called "Danger" to look out for trains... unless your middle name is "Danger"? Wink
Danger is his third name ..
His Middle name is PhotoSniper...