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Full Version: Adobe Lightroom Beta for Windows
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Windows users, wait no longer - It's here!!
just looked at the specs........think I will be needing an upgrade on the old puter before I give that a try!!
i try also to run aperture and my pc its just way too slow

mooreeeeeeeeee raaaaaaammmmmmmm
Looks like a great product for many photographers. This will put Capture One out of business, unless they can really step up their offering.
I really like Lightroom - glad you guys in PC land can now try it out Wink
Good news for my PC-equipped friends -- Lightroom Beta 4 is out, and now has feature-parity with the Macintosh version.

I tried out Beta 4 just a few minutes ago, and it's a major change. It runs faster, has a downgraded (windows-esque) interface, and has increased the control over the exposure and development. (This is another program that is going to make many, many authors a lot of money.) I'm already rolling my pennies to buy the commercial release. I'd never spring for Photoshop, but this one I'll buy as soon as it comes out.

[rant] Calling it "Photoshop Lightroom" is a bad move, though -- if it doesn't have a Clone tool, it's not photoshop. I understand the idea of branding, but this is such a powerful stand-alone application that tagging it with the name of a graphic designer's program, even one that's become a standard for photographers, does it a disservice. [/rant]
Wow, great link. Thanks Jules. Why didn't I hear about this before? Doesn't matter. I wouldn't have been able to use it anyway with the old pc.
Iv been using LR since beta 1, and i aint gonna stop now. Big Grin

As for the name, i agree. Simply lightroom was much better.

/Paul L.
Loaded this last night. Very slick.
Petographer Wrote:Loaded this last night. Very slick.
On PC? Tell me more! Big Grin
So Colin how does it work for ya ?

Jules havent you tried it yet ?

/Paul L.
I didn't do much , just played around but the interface is nice. I'll still be using PS though.