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Full Version: I'm annoyed!
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Why can't they have good storms on weekends when I can stay up and take photos? The great storms are in the middle of the week!
:/ . My question is, why can't there just be some good storms? No lighting here.
Try Florida mate Big Grin
de_axeman Wrote:Try Florida mate Big Grin

Na. I just want lightning. Not lose my home in a wind storm.
No storms here for the past couple of years worth mentioning, I want to go on a holiday about 4500kms NNE of Perth, right in the middle of nowhere they have an amazing amount of lightning.

I captured this as I was walking home from the same place. It is a casino, Star City for those who know.. and not minutes earlier they took $100 from me. So I thought this was revenge.

And it absolutely hooked me on storm photography, but given we have such stable weather here in melbourne Wink Big Grin , my desire is unfulfilled.

[Image: lillightning.jpg]
Looks like a scene from The Day After Tomorrow, I liked that movie.
Wow, great shot, gd! They say capturing a lightning flash on camera is actually (or used to be) quite rare...

J - maybe try standing in the middle of an open field with an umbrella in a storm.. Smile
shuttertalk Wrote:Wow, great shot, gd! They say capturing a lightning flash on camera is actually (or used to be) quite rare...

J - maybe try standing in the middle of an open field with an umbrella in a storm.. Smile

How about a copper tripod?
Nice capture gd - if you can pull down lightning to strike your enemies, we should talk. I have a list...
my list first... then subsequent lists after that..... Smile

Toad, did you get anywhere de-grainy-fying (I think that's the dictionary spelling) my scanned WTC picture?