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Doesn't it feel like the world is about to end when your SD card filled with images suddenly crashes and your photos are no where to be found? Hopefully those weren't shots from a paid shoot.

How do you safeguard your photos from possible disasters? What's the best photo recovery solution that you know? Is there a free alternative?
(Sep 24, 2014, 09:59)shuttercloud Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't it feel like the world is about to end when your SD card filled with images suddenly crashes and your photos are no where to be found? Hopefully those weren't shots from a paid shoot.

How do you safeguard your photos from possible disasters? What's the best photo recovery solution that you know? Is there a free alternative?
Personally, I have never had a card "crash" on me (he says keeping his fingers crossed!), but I have had some problems on a couple of occasions reading from a card. I am not sure that you can ever really safeguard your cards from developing problems. I do know that some pros replace their cards every year, more or less, so as not to have "problems", but this seems a bit drastic to me. If you do have problems reading from a card, whether it crashed or not, there are a number of "recovery" programs on the net - some free, some not so free. Most manufacturers have their own recovery programs that you can download form their web sites. For example, if you buy Lexar cards, each comes with a small pamphlet that contains a URL to a website that will let you download their recovery program when you type in the special code that is contained on the pamphlet. I seem to remember that SanDisk have a similar thing.

Hope this helps.

(Sep 24, 2014, 09:59)shuttercloud Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't it feel like the world is about to end when your SD card filled with images suddenly crashes and your photos are no where to be found? Hopefully those weren't shots from a paid shoot.

How do you safeguard your photos from possible disasters? What's the best photo recovery solution that you know? Is there a free alternative?

If that happens...don't take anymore pictures and immediately take your card to someone to recover the data. It isn't missing. Don't format the card.

The trick is to always have another card so you can continue shooting knowing you probably have everything you shot.