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Hi folks

My September travels along the Danube in Romania visiting various wildlife reserves is now receding into history. But I wanted to share with you a small number of shots which I fondly hope convey something of the moods of the wilderness which Romania is parts most certainly is.

I would be interested to know to what extent you would tinker with these shots and how - would you straighten the horizon for instance, take out the poles and lines - or do the shots as they are - as I think - convey the reality? (I have cleaned up somewhat).

Regards to all

Wonderful series, as travel images I wouldn't have changed anything. If I were working with them to make them into "fine art" I might remove the poles, lines and stacks in the first image.
#1 I would not change anything.
#2 I would straighten the horizon.
#3 Cropped to follow rule of thirds.
Thanks, both, for the helpful comments. Regards, Jeff