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Full Version: Jet blue Flight 292 Prayer
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Its still in the air. Please Lord bring them in safely.
Not across this one... what's happening?
What a pro. That pilot needs to be congradulated.

Jet blue flight 292 went to take off from California headed to New York. The front landing gear somehow got turned on a 90 degree angle and wouldn't move. The pilot ended up circling the airport at one point dumping alot of fuel, into the ocean I think. He then circled for about 2 and ahalf hours burning up the rest of the fuel. Finally he made a heroic landing burning up the front landing gear and making a near perfect smooth landing. The whole thing was shown on CNN. It was a pleasure watching such skill in bringing the plane in safely.
The problem was the gear jammed when retracting, it twists 90 degrees by hydraulics to make for a smaller profile when stowed. This boke somehow.

The next issue is that the airbus has no way to dump fual as is normal procedure, they just aren't designed to do it. They had to cirle for over 3 hours with falps fully deployed and engines on the worst fuel economy settings to burn off the gas.

The pilot did do an incredible job of landing it though.
Awesome... good to hear "good" news for a change...