
LensCapTrap Review

Simple problems deserve simple solutions. One such problem that many photographers face is where to put that pesky lens cap, without leaving it behind or forgetting which pocket it in. LensCapTrap offers one solution, allowing lens caps to be attached via velcro to the camera strap.

The Cable Turtles

Keeping Cables Tidy with the Cable Turtle

In our electronic world, messy cables can be a major inconvenience. However, solutions such as the Cable Turtle can make life much easier keeping cables neat and tidy. Read on for our review of the Cable Turtle.

The VisibleDust Arctic Butterfly 724

Sensor Cleaning with the VisibleDust Arctic Butterfly 724

Sensor cleaning is one of the necessities with Digital SLRs, if one is interested in blemish-free photos. In this article, we look at dry sensor cleaning in general, as well how the Arctic Butterfly 724 sensor brush from VisibleDust performs this task.