Digital camera

Photo Challenge: Photojournalism/Photo Story

Another month, another challenge! For September, we’re doing something different. Photographers are invited to submit a short photo story or journalistic piece consisting of a series of images and accompanying writeup. The theme is open, and the style can be anything from a news reportage piece to a personal holiday story – it’s up to you.

Photo is editing

Photo Challenge July 2012: Monochrome

Another month, another challenge! July holds a new theme and continues with the relaxed guidelines. For this challenge, enter up to three photos that represents your interpretation of the theme “Monochrome”, that you’ve taken in the past year. Entries close midnight on July 21.

Photo Challenge May 2012: Long Time

We trust you enjoyed our last photo challenge – the month of May brings a new photo challenge, with a new theme and more relaxed guidelines. For this challenge, enter up to three photos that represents your interpretation of the theme “Long Time”, that you’ve taken in the past year. In addition to still photos, this challenge is open to video as well. Entries close midnight on May 21.


Photo Challenge 2012 April Winners

Thank you to all who participated in our Photo Challenge for April. The theme for the month was “Tools”, and members were invited to submit an image which represented the theme. The winners, as selected by the judges were as follows.


Photo Challenge April 2012: Tools

Welcome to the first new Shuttertalk photo challenge! This is a place to challenge yourself and get out to take some new and interesting photos. We’ll be running a new Challenge every month, so join in and have fun! To enter, submit one photo that represents your interpretation of the theme “Tools”, that you’ve taken between now and the close of the entry period. Entries close midnight on April 21.

Digital camera

Digital Digest – Mar 23 2012

We’ve had an interesting week in the ever changing world of digital photography, from new DSLR and firmware announcements, to a mockup for a Canon mirrorless by a designer tired of Canon dragging their heels. Here’s a summary of the goings on around the web.

The New iPad

What Does the New iPad Mean for Photographers?

The new iPad has been announced today, with headline features such as a new retina display, improved 5MP autofocus camera and a A5X chip which boasts a dual core CPU and quad-core graphics. The most significant is the display which ups the resolution from 1024×768 to 2054×1536 – effectively quadrupling the number of pixels in the display. What does this mean for photographers?

The Great Shuttertalk BlackRapid Winners!

A big thank you to everyone who participated in The Great Shuttertalk BlackRapid Giveaway, to celebrate our site redesign. The response has been truly great, with visitors and new members pouring in from all over. Without further ado, here are the winners of the prizes.

The Great Shuttertalk BlackRapid Giveaway

Howdy folks! To celebrate the launch and “rebirth” of the new Shuttertalk site, we have partnered with BlackRapid to offer some giveaways to our supporters! Entry is open to everyone, so read on to see how your can score your freebie.

Shuttertalk Circa 2012

Welcome to the New Shuttertalk!

It’s been a long time coming, but the new Shuttertalk is now live! With the site redesign, we not only refreshed the look of the site, but also took the opportunity to replace the backend software powering the site with updated, more feature-ful software that will keep us in good stead for some time to come.